Choose Your Own Blog

Monday, February 8, 2010

June 17th, 2001

I know--running out of pics I guess. So here's another wannabe actress. Did I post this already? Am I a dick for running these, or am I a dick for other reasons?

Get ready. It's about to get weird. Not this post. The next one.

I'm just saying. Get ready.

And you do not know tedious until you go in and individually fill in scratches on each frame of a movie. I remember it. It was one of those times I could have said "Screw it," and just ignored it.

But I put the time in. And it was a LOT of time...
(and I used Corel Photopaint, because at this time Adobe Photoshop wouldn't import a movie--only Corel would)

June 17th

Evan called me last night, but I was still brain-dead from the trip, so I didn’t get out of bed to take his call.

I called him tonight. He says he’s got “ground-breaking stuff” to let me listen to, the first eleven minutes of music, and it’s what he calls “one-cue”. He told me that means it’s all one piece of music, and it’s one of the longer ones ever done. He said the only one he knows of that was longer(it was 22 minutes long, but I can’t remember what the movie was)

So I listened to it. Excellent stuff. I’m very happy with it. A lot of what I had heard before was clearly just experimenting, as the final product was great. He’s dropping me a copy of it on CD in the mail, so I’ll be able to hear it in full glory(everything I’ve been listening to has been through the crappy phone-speaker).

I’m trying to get him a video-lock of the final movie, as he’s still scoring to the next-to-the-last version. Once I do that, I have to finish up all the sound, clean up all the film scratches digitally(which I started, but have a TON left to do), and add some CGI work to a few scenes where the special effects didn’t come off. Then when I get Evan’s music back, I’ve got to master it with all the other sound.

And I’ve given myself roughly five weeks to do all that—four, if you count the fact that I’ll be out of town for one of those weeks.

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